





ބCombat Professionބ




ބCurrent Residenceބ


ބCurrent Affiliationބ

ބSecondary Affiliationsބ


ބSexuality/Relationship Statusބ

Sarnai Himaa

The Hermit & Savage


Au Ra


Bokh Gunslinger (Xaelan Pugilist/Machinist)

Naturally White, Commonly dyed Pink/Auburn

Heterochromatic: Left Green/Right Purple

The Himaa Village

The Himaa-Herbachat Estate, Old Sharlayan

Studium Professor, Faculty of Linguistics & Part Time Drummer

The City-State of Old Sharlayan & The Himaa Tribe

Major Arcana

Male (He/Him/They/Them)

Sapiosexual/Pansexual (Open Marriage)


Born into a Steppe family like any other at a young age Sarnai and his identical twin sister, lived a fairly average Steppe life growing up in the tribes artificially nurtured woodlands surround the village.
Gaining what would pass as a rather well rounded education by the standards of the Steppe.
A desire to see the world eventually led him away from the village with the promise to return one day to share the knowledge he'd gained from the outside world. A journey that led him to Kugane and eventually in turn Eorzea. More specifically Old Sharlayan the veritable home of knowledge of Eorzea. Through persistence he eventually gained a place in the Studium and a passion for not only knowledge but more specifically the many languages of the world. From the likes of Old Lalafellin to Amaljalic.

During his time in Old Sharlayan he would later come into contact with the woman who would go onto be his wife. Married at a secret wedding at the Sanctum of the Twelve wanting to save their true ceremony for a day when his family could possibly attend.
Going onto earn himself a job in the Faculty of Linguistics of the Studium he would go onto teach many students his native tongue, and develop a bitter disdain with his fellow Faculty colleague Namono Tayamono due to his constant belittling of the Faculty of Achaeology.
During a business trip to Ishgard to aide Saint Endalim's Scholasticate in a teaching seminar, he found himself in a bar down in the depths of Brume in an attempt to escape a snowstorm. Which lead to a chain of events causing him to become the drummer of a nascent band.


His Gender

Despite being male Sarnai's appearance often invokes confusion, or misgendering in most of whom he initially meets.
He is fully accepting of this however, being perfectly fine with being referred to as female by those of whom he casually encounters, and in some case even close friends.
Whilst the particulars of his outwardly feminine Au Ra appearance is still a mystery even to the great minds of Sharlayan. Some preliminary theories indicate that it might be a product of an extremely rare circumstance of his birth, in connection to his nearly identical twin sister. Continuing research into the matter is still ongoing.

Physical Form

Sarnai's physical condition more specifically however, is by and large as to be expected of a female Au Ra. Despite the naturally obvious deviations.
Physically he is of a lean somewhat athletic 150cm tall build. Built upon by a daily training regimen that dates back to his upbringing in the Himaa Tribe making use of the various athletic facilities in Old Sharlayan to keep him in strong and healthy physical form.


Sarnai has no qualms wearing virtually any clothing within reason, be they of a masculine or feminine nature. Simply wearing what the moment takes him to. Wearing something that would be seen as masculine one day, but feminine the next.


ބThe Raevolver & Nhaama's Lightބ

A somewhat ornate pair of prototype Gun-Baghnaks, designed to be used in conjunction with the Bokh fighting style. Allowing for increased damage at point blank range.
Considered a somewhat controversial weapon choice by his Sharlayan compeers.

ބMachinist Job Stoneބ

Provided as a gift by a House Haillenarte affiliated professor at Saint Endalim's Scholasticate, as payment for the Teaching Seminar he lead there once. Sees very little usage beyond imparting wrench boomeranging skills.

RP Hooks